Paris Blockchain Week 2024


Christoph Kreiterling


Senior Adviser


Dr. Christoph Kreiterling works in the division for innovations in financial technology of the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, BaFin as senior adviser. Mainly, he is the key contact for matters related to Blockchain technology. In his day-to-day work, Christoph analyzes Blockchain technology developments in their various dimensions such as the technical and business side, regulatory aspects, possible future payment implications, standardization-related issues, geopolitical questions, possible legal implications, blockchain use cases and the perspectives of future Blockchain regulation as a whole. Christoph has been a speaker for Blockchain technology at academic, regulatory and security conferences. As for blockchain, Christoph has been getting familiar with this subject since 2011, adding lectures at various institutions such as Frankfurt School of Finance or at the University of Deutsche Bundesbank and trainings regarding Bitcoin, blockchain and virtual currencies to his academic portfolio and even presenting the topic of virtual currencies at a German Parliament Committee meeting. Christoph has been named as External Expert at the Frankfurt School of Finance’s Blockchain Center and as Research fellow at the university College London’s Centre for Blockchain Technology, where he participates in Blockchain Technology Research. Additionally, Christoph is a member of the German delegation at International Standardization Organization (ISO) working on a global Blockchain standardization.