Paris Blockchain Week 2024


Kristofer Dayne Penseyres


Co-Founder & Chief Brand Officer


As the Co-Founder and Creative Officer of DOGAMÍ, Kristofer Dayne Penseyres leads game production and IP development, drawing upon his 10-year tenure in the film and TV industry to infuse narrative expertise and world-building into the DOGAMÍ brand. Kristofer's prior experience in the luxury, licensing, and product placement markets includes collaborations with world-leading brands such as SanRio, Real Madrid, and Jay Z's RocNation. DOGAMÍ is one of the biggest Web3 gaming european project with 24,000 NFTs sold on Polygon and Tezos blockchains. With the recent release of the mobile game DOGAMÍ Academy, community members can now explore the rich and competitive world of obstacle course Dogamí racing. Beyond game development, ambitious projects are in the pipeline to bolster the DOGAMÍ brand and establish a robust gaming IP, including merchandise, comic books, movies, toys, and more.