Paris Blockchain Week 2024


Jana Bobosikova

KIKI World



Jana is the Co-Founder and CEO of KIKI World, a blockchain enabled platform creating new ways to connect, create products, movements and friends online and onchain. Since its inception in 2023, KIKI has introduced several tech enabled personal products including Pretty Nail Graffiti, with its community and continues to expand to host brands and experiences where communities are co-creators and co-owners of their shared interests. Prior to KIKI, Jana has launched and scaled several tech, biotech and material science enabled consumer businesses with global distribution as an entrepreneur leading EPIC and 12:01 – the active innovation platform. Jana, born and raised in Prague, currently based in California, has worked with global companies like Sephora, AS Watson as well as VC backed, and bootstrapped DTC innovators like Seed, Florence by Mills, C16Bio and OneSkin. Jana has earned her MS in International Trade, Finance and Development from Barcelona Graduate School Economics and conducted research and studies with multiple distinguished universities, notably Harvard Business School, Tel Aviv University and London Business School.