Paris Blockchain Week 2024




Web3 has no future is $50M worth of crypto get stolen every single week - we are here to change that. Pentestify thrives where others falter - post-deployment. Our AI detects and generates new smart contract vulnerabilities and exploits by continuously learning and adapting, ensuring your smart contracts’ security resilience is as dynamic as the threats it faces, vital to web3's growth. Our solution enables any Web3 protocol to holistically ensure the continued security validation of their deployed smart contracts against high-risk known and unknown attacks, whilst drastically improving the team’s productivity on smart contract redeployment. We do so by harnessing the power of our state-of-the-art AI models, which largely surpass all industry-leading static, dynamic and formal verification security tools - entirely automatically, thus enabling your company to smoothly detect and recover from high-risk vulnerabilities without downtime whilst making the team you have already invested in more efficient. We are a startup currently incubated in Station F (Paris), and headquartered in London, with partnerships in the public and private sector, where we are members of Station F's Future 40 and Top 250 by Hello Tomorrow, with national TV coverage regarding the future of blockchain security. We are equally part of UCL‘s Innovation and Enterprise Centre, speakers at world leading blockchain and AI security events including Davos or DeFi Security Summit, and in partnership with tier one banks worldwide. Our team is equally behind the creation of the largest newsletter in the world, focused on blockchain security hacks,